Current Go-To's for Feeling lighter, brighter.

Hi, hi, hi.

It’s a weird time in all of our lives right now. I wasn’t sure if I was going to address the matter or not because I like to keep this space full of light and to be a safe haven - an escape for whoever needs it. But now that it feels like most of our safe havens are gone, I’ve decided to acknowledge it, to respect it, but not feed into it. So in an attempt to keep the vibrations high I’m sharing important outlets that I’ve been utilizing to help retain a sense of normalcy (in my daily life and especially over the last two weeks.) I’m hoping these suggestions will help whoever needs to tap into their zen and happiness and inspiration while everyone is home over the coming weeks. Really, we should be striving for these things ALL of the time but life gets busy. I think with all of this downtime we can really dig in to what we may have been neglecting all along. That’s my hope, anyway. Always trying to find the silver lining. So let’s dive in!


The Skinny Confidential podcast ep. 251 with Katherine Schwarzenegger: The Gift of Forgiveness

The Skinny Confidential podcast ep. 187 with Khalil Rafati: How to Crawl out of Hell — (this episode is AMAZING. Just ordered his book.)

Click here for a full list of their 250+ podcast episodes!

I love all of Lauryn + Michael’s podcast episodes. You always walk away learning more and feeling smarter. Sure, there’s a F bomb every now and then (this is your warning!) because they don’t hold back. They’re 100% themselves, super transparent about everything… I admire it. Their podcast covers everything from business, to health, to dieting truths from every angle and belief you can imagine, entrepreneur interviews, actor interviews, business tips, motivational ALWAYS. You name it. There’s no way you won’t find an episode that covers SOMETHING that interests you. Plus their back-and-forth is just supreme.


Cafe Binge podcast ep. 27: The Energy of Abundance $$$

Amy is a beauty guru, wellness expert, ex-master esthetician and total believer in the Universe. Her voice alone is so calming. And I really enjoy listening to her insight on all of the ‘woo-woo’ topics she covers. This particular episode is extremely topical and uplifting, especially if you have anxiety around $$$ as an entrepreneur. I encourage those of you who are interested in topics beyond ourselves to scroll Amy’s library of episodes. She’s really taken the time to educate you on a plethora of topics that anyone who likes a little ‘woo’ will find appealing. Plus, her voice is very calming. Always a plus.


Justin Long’s Life is Short podcast 38. Kristen Bell

If you don’t love Kristen Bell aka America’s Sweetheart (can I get this on a t-shirt with her and the sloth on the front??) then you are insane. She dives into her relationship hacks with her husband, Dax Shepard, and views on life. She is just a delight. There are so many of Justin’s interviews that I really enjoy listening to. I’ve mentioned this podcast many times before (if you’ve been following along) and he is just THE NICEST. And funniest. You need to listen to a few. He interviews so many famous people, one of your favorite actors is guaranteed to be in his episodes. I always feel happier after listening to this show.


Selling the Naked Truth ep. 7: Stop Being Skeezy: 5 things to do if you want to start feeling good about sales

This is a quick, 21-minute episode packed FULL of great info for any entrepreneur selling to an audience. Which is every. entrepreneur. to an extent. It’s relatable, very well done and I think everyone could benefit from listening! This is a new show for me but there is a lot of value in every episode. Susan & Jason know what they are talking about!


Dolly Parton’s America

This is a 9-episode series that would take about one ‘work day’ to listen to. It is SO. GOOD. from start to finish. A big thank you to my friend Maria Driscoll for recommending this podcast. I’ll be listening to this one again in the future. I’ve actually recommended this podcast before (it’s that good that I have to mention it again) and you’ll absolutely love it. Because it’s nothing that what you are currently thinking it’s like. It’s not just about Dolly - it’s about the entire country and how she has touched EVERY corner of it. It’s incredible. LISTEN!


This is going to be easier for some than others. And not because your kids are tugging at your pants leg. But because this requires REAL change. You telling yourself I’ve had Enough and making a conscious effort to pivot your mindset. So be patient, open, and kind with yourself. Baby steps. Try incorporating one of these new habits two mornings this week. I swear by them, practice them daily and they’ve helped with my mental wellness more than any tiny pill I’ve ever been prescribed. Scout’s honor.

  • Morning Pages: Morning pages are something I teach all of my students to practice. It’s simple and highly affective. All you need is a clean, blank journal (no bad juju from an old journal. Those things carry energy. Get a new one!) and a pen. Oh, and 20 minutes of quiet, uninterrupted, undistracted bliss. Then you simply write out whatever is running through your mind through a stream of consciousness. Why do we do this? To unblock our subconscious from whatever is pissing us off that day, whatever it is that we’ve been carrying around with us unknowingly and letting out the negative so we come away from those 20-minutes lighter and happier. A fresh start to the day.

  • Grounding: Take off your shoes and go outside. Step on the grass, the dirt, pine straw, whatever living substance is beneath your feet. Cafe Binge has an entire episode of the benefits of grounding (along with Ben Greenfield on The Skinny Confidential here) and I’ve been practicing this ancient method for over a year now. I can tell a huge difference from the days that I don’t ground (usually only if it’s raining or super cold outside!) versus the days that I do take the time to pretend I’m 6 again and get my toes in the grass. I think you will be able to see a difference, too.

  • Daily Juicing: I prefer a celery juice over everything else. Sometimes I mix in some kale, a few strawberries, a little coconut water. Really whatever I have on hand. We’ve heard for years that juicing is good for you. And I’m not a nutritionist (yet) but I do know that I can see a huge difference in my mood and skin when I’m drinking the good stuff vs. when I am too lazy to pick up a few stalks at the grocery store. If you don’t want to go full juicer/DIY there are plenty of affordable juice options, including Arden’s Garden which is local to Atlanta and already made for you! Read about the benefits of celery juice here.

  • Making lists: There’s nothing like a list to physically scratch off to make you feel productive. I’ve found I’m much less anxious when I make a list for the day either the night before or first thing that morning. Sometimes I even use this as part of my Morning Pages routine to get my ideas flowing. Don’t write a list in your phone… I’m talking real words on real paper with a real pen. The physical act of crossing something off of a list once it’s completed creates the mental reward of action-to-success, releasing dopamine and training ourselves to be more productive. So where is the bad in that?! Let’s use this downtime to be EXTRA productive and happy!

  • Physical activity: This doesn’t mean running 6 miles. This doesn’t mean running 2 miles. Hell, this doesn’t even mean running. I’m talking about 30-minutes a day of accelerating your heart-rate over 100 bpm (preferably higher but hey, baby steps) releases stress and ultimately lowers your blood pressure. So get to moving, smile and be grateful you have the ability to move your bones. It’s a privilege to be able to exercise and move our bodies and minds. Read more with NPR here.


I’m currently wearing a face mask as I’m typing this. I have to force myself to do things like this to relieve stress and that feel like light pampering. I’m a workaholic and can’t even enjoy a bath because I think they take too much time. (Yes, I realize this is a problem. Yes, I am working on it. See, I’m right there with you on the self-improvement club.) So I encourage you to selfishly find something during these next few weeks that you often cheat yourself out of — here’s a list of some things I fully intend to tackle while I’m hanging out in our house, holed-up, making the most of it:

  • A bath, for starters. Two a week — one after my most intense weekly workout (Saturday) and one at some point in the week when I just need a little quiet time. I may even go crazy and watch Outlander with a matcha. Or a face mask? ALL THREE?? I’m getting carried away.

  • Indulging in a NICE bottle of wine — luckily we stocked up on wine before the chaos. I’m not a big drinker. If I drink DURING the week, something has gone seriously wrong. I’m a 2-4 drinks a month kind of person (who experiences the hangover of a 90-year-old man.) So I had a feeling buying a $35 bottle of wine vs. the normal $9 bottle we have hanging around during our average week was necessary. A small, true TREAT YO’SELF moment to feel extra special. Why not?

  • Being the fresh air — every day that Atlanta weather permits, of course. It rains a lot here but I went on a 2.5 mile walk today with our dog and didn’t think about how long it took, what else I should be doing. None of it. Because I know I have more time on my hands than I’ve ever had before and will for a long time to come.

  • Working out — and taking my time. Again guys, we have so much time right now. Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done. But the extra hours in the day are now going to be from home. So we can all chill out a little bit and do the extra finishers, make the extra lap around the block, stretch for 5 more minutes. Or hell, try that yoga instructor on YouTube you’ve been putting off since January 1st. Now is the time!

  • Not procrastinating — i.e. make weird(er) art. I’ve had some ideas brewing in my head that I’ve put off for about 6 months. I have a collection releasing next week (PEP TALKS. March 27th. March your calendars.) but I finally feel like I have time to dive into some weird, experimental projects. It’s a blessing in disguise, guys. What’s that project you’ve been putting off? Cleaning out your garage? Rearranging your patio? Teaching your kids how to ride a bike? Again, now is the time. Take life by the balls and GET TO IT! Be empowered!

  • But also, napping? — Can these two things be on the same list? I think beyond a nap, the idea is to unselfishly do things we don’t normally do if that makes sense. You can’t leave so how will we fill up the time? We will work, teach our kids, make dinner, try that brow tinting kit finally… but after a while, we’ll get really efficient with this new, temporary normal and find that extra 30 minutes. It all channels back to good.

    I challenge you to indulge in whatever it is that brings you joy. Just for 30 minutes, every day. Regardless of the weather, the sun will show itself to you through positive energy.
    Light attracts light. And the Law of Attraction is no joke.


I hope you’ve found SOMETHING on this list that you can utilize during the downtime.

Because the truth is all we can do is control the controllables. And who knows why things like Coronavirus (feels like saying Voldemort) happen. If you ask me, it’s some higher power telling us to slow down and get back to our families. To intention. To awareness of how precious life is and what makes us really tick as people. We are so used to tuning out and drifting straight to autopilot… I’m guilty of it and I have a feeling you are, too. So maybe in in some weird, wild twist this is just meant to be eye-opening. I don’t think it’s the end of the world — I think it’s the beginning of something new. That could just be me, yet again, convincing myself I should have been born and raised in the 60’s. Always wearing proverbial rose-tinted glasses. I like pink, what can I say. And I love to love. I hope you understand and can feel the care behind all of these words. They are meant for you!

ENJOY this time with your families. It’s precious. And we’ll come out on the other side hopefully as a kinder, more grateful population than ever before.
That is my wish. Stay safe, my friends.

Xx, Allison